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Title: Attic to Heirloom
Author: Jean Zawicki
Publisher: Eas'l
Copyright: 2001
Pages: 50
Condition: Brand New
Pages: 50
Condition: Brand New
Over 50 Decorative Art Projects for the Home
White Wild Roses on an Old Mirror
Turned Snowman Lamp
2" Snowman Lamp Cut-Out
Little Key Cabinet w/ Snowfolk
Customizing a Store Lamp - Tulips
Pansies, Sno-Guy, St. Nick & Bunny
Cabinet with a Crock of Apples
Strokework for Inside the Door
Preparing Old Aluminum Items
Flour Sifter with Strawberries
Old Wooden Spoon & Masher
Rolling Pin & Pink Coffee Pot with Strawberries
Blue Coffee Pot with Wild Roses
4-Drawer Red Fruits Recipe File
Wisconsin Chickadees
Soap Dispenser Cover with Chickadees
Porcelain Hummingbird Feeder
Stamped Violets on a Clock
White Cochin Rooster
White Cochin Hen
Hen on a Nest
Gourd Information & Cranberry Kiss
Apple Gourd Basket
Black Raspberry Gourd Bird House
Candle Painting
Dogwood on a Clay Pot
Kitchen Cabinet Still Life
Stamping on Wood Projects
Creating an Atmospheric Background
Floating Acrylic Colors on Paper
Two Eggs in Straw